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The farm AlmaMaterBio

Agricoltura Biologica AlmaMaterBio is an Italian family-run agricultural farm, located in the Sorrento peninsula 50 km from Naples.
We produce Lemons and Extra Virgin Olive Oil while embracing the principles of Organic Agriculture which is in accordance with the CEE policy2091/91 and subsequent modifications and additions.

Since 1602 we have been producing olive oil, citrus fruits, walnuts, and vegetables typical of the region.

AlmaMaterBio is certified by the (CCPB) Consortium for the Organic Product Control.

  • Le olive della varietà Minucciola
  • La raccolta manuale delle olive
  • La raccolta manuale delle olive
  • La raccolta manuale delle olive
  • La spremitura a freddo
  • La raccolta manuale delle olive
  • Le olive e il panorama
  • La raccolta manuale delle olive
  • Le olive appena raccolte
  • Le olive e il panorama
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The Coat of Arms

It belongs to the original family to whom we are grateful for having handed down a unique patch of earth.

The Name

Literally: from Latin "mother earth who nourishes life". It comes from the fusion of our daughters’ names, to whom we set our hopes for the future.

The organic extra-virgin olive oil label

The Label

The image of the label was created by Lino Fiorito, a worldwide known artist and a great friend.

The Drawings

The wonderful illustrations on the website were made by the Architect Serena Fanelli for AlmaMaterBio.


We aren’t satisfied with just producing olive oil, we are also involved in solidarity policies supporting farms managed by women in underdeveloped countries and projects for children which grant them part of the profits of the sales.
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Contact us for your order

We prefer old good traditional shopping rather than online one!
Come and visit us, you will be amazed by Sorrento peninsula beauty!
Our address is: via Tommaso Astarita, 32 - 80062 Meta (Naples) - Italy

Or, you can buy our oil also:
» Calling: +39 081 8088954
» Faxing: +39 081 8088954
» Emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Mail Boxes Etc express currier will ring at your door in 2/6 working days*
(*depending on where you live)


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